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Online Classes

Welcome to our Virtual Circus!

they're  back!

To Register:

Smartphone: Download the zoom app and click on the link below next to the class you wish to take

Desktop: click on the link below next to the class you wish to take

Class Etiquette:

  • Please arrive no later than 1 minute before the class starts, if you are late please mute your microphone on entry so as not to disturb other participants 

  • Please have video on so we can help you move through the class safely! A lot of classes require some interaction so we require video on! 

  • Once the class is finished please feel free to leave at any time or stay on the call to ask any questions you might have

Thanks for joining in!

Minimum $5 donation per class is recommended.

If you enjoy our online class or have the means to help support our business and coaches through this challenging time, we appreciate donations of any denomination!

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Remember: Listen to your body! It's a little harder for us to support you virtually so find your own inner teacher and only do what feels good! Have some fun! 

Any form of exercise is not without risk, and this, or any other exercise program may result in injury. Island Circus Space is not responsible for any adverse affects caused by our classes. Our classes are designed to be suggestions of how you can keep active at home and other factors should be considered before partaking including pre-existing conditions, and overall health and fitness. 

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